Let us help you get back on track

(949) 243-5828

Get approved for ZERO down in as little as

72 Hours

after Bankruptcy Filing

ReplaceVehicle.com BBB Business Review

Average interest rate as of October 2024 is 12.99% for up to 72 months with NO prepayment penalty.


If you are W-2 or getting provable income over $2,400 per month gross.


Have had at least one auto paid in the past.


you can be approved at PREMIUM RATES! No discharge needed.

Application costs nothing. Education is free!

ReplaceVehicles has been recommended by Consumer bankruptcy attourneys throughout Southern California.

Mentioned in the



I've been working with clients that have filed bankruptcy for over 18 years now. In complete transparency I want to lay down exactly how the process goes; no matter where the application comes from the process is the same for EVERYBODY with Replace Vehicle.

What people are saying about Jeff Cohen, Replace Vehicles

Honest to goodness reviews from our clients.


Get approved for ZERO DOWN!

Apply 3 Days after filing

Zero Down

(In Most Cases)

Rates much lower than dealers

Rebuild Credit

(No pre-payment penalty we report to all credit bureaus)

Zero Hassle

(No sales-people, closers, managers or finance people to deal with)

No Surprises

(All numbers provided upfront)

If you owe more than your vehicle is worth, do you know your post-discharge options?

Most of us rely on our vehicles to get to work, to the store, to the doctor and to drive our children to school and play. Giving up your vehicle is really not an option. However, you are afraid that after you discharge you will only be able to get a high-interest loan to pay for your car, if you can get a loan at all. Many people confronted with this situation keep the car, reaffirm the debt and continue to pay very high interest rates in order to continue driving. Replacevehicle has a better solution.

Make Good Choices

A discharge is a new financial beginning. It is important to make good decisions about your future, and that includes future automobile loans. In order to secure the best possible auto loan, you need the help of a professional who can offer good financing and a great deal on the vehicle of your choice.

It is also important to remember that a car is really nothing more than metal and glass that loses value every year. It does not make sense to go into debt for a new vehicle when you can get by with a less expensive one. You can always trade your vehicle once it is paid off, so start small and build your credit up again before you try to purchase an expensive vehicle.

The Truth About Discharge

Do not be surprised if you are inundated with pre-approved offers for car loans. There is a reason you are the target of so much interest: car dealers know that you just received your discharge and cannot file bankruptcy again for some time. Therefore, you are actually a better risk than someone teetering on the brink of bankruptcy but who has not yet filed. Furthermore, car dealers know that you may be desperate to get into a vehicle. They realize that you may not be aware of your options and that they can extract enormous interests rates by making you believe they are “doing you a favor.”

What Is The ReplaceVehicles Difference?

At Replacevehicles, we do not gouge you after a bankruptcy. Our goal is to provide you with reliable, affordable transportation at a fair rate of interest. As of October 2024: No prepayment penalty Average Interest Rate: 12.99 percent Loan Terms: Up to 72 months Maximum Loan Amount: Up to $50,000 Visit Replacevehicles today to learn more about how we can help you into a car after bankruptcy.

Get approved for ZERO DOWN!

Specializing in Low-Interest Auto Loans

After Bankruptcy

The process is really quite simple. After receiving your info, we get a loan commitment from one of our lenders. We then forward all of the details to you via e-mail. Interest rate, term, amount approved for. We also give you the formula to figure out what your car payment will be, based on how much you spend,and the terms of your loan.

Under normal circumstances when you make a purchase at a dealership, you are supporting everybody from the guy washing the car, up to the owner. We at Replacevehicle cut out all of the middlemen in the purchase. The only people making any money on your purchase is us and the owner of the dealership.

That is the reason we can get you pricing that you would never be able to get on your own. The dealership looks at the deal as found business, because you wouldn’t be there if it weren’t for us. This is also the reason we can make the numbers make sense to the lender, because they are taking less risk by loaning you a fair amount of money based on the true value of the vehicle in today’s market.

We only deal with new, or previously owned vehicles that are one owner and have clean car faxes. The problem with a new car is that it depreciates instantly as you drive off. Typically you can get much more car buying something that is a year or two old. Most cars have the remaining warranties in place and the history of the vehicle is checked by us.

Here are some common questions about ReplaceVehicles

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